Moving On Quotes For Men

Posted by Andika Kulap | 8:36 AM | | 0 comments »

Society expects men to be tough and strong. Despite the breakup, men are expected to show the relationship of the past quickly. Although the reality is that this is not a gender issue. Each person can feel pain. That is the reason why people can relate really moving quotes.

Every time someone is a difficult time, may change their views of life in quotation marks. Here are some of the best quotes, you can put above all when it comes to a broken heart.

"A man does what is needed, in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures, and is the foundation of all human morality."

This is one of the speeches of John F. Excerp Kennedy. This applies to all aspects of human life, including wealth, health, careers and love lives. John F. Kennedy grew up in a world where families are given great respect. He was the father of a great nation and a family man. He established and recognized to be a good man. In the case of a troubled man who will read the lines of Kennedy, you can really connect with it. Kennedy tried to make the human heart and act right touch, although the separation or whatever called problems in the other human faces trials with courage and move on.

"Do not think that was wrong, but focus on what to do next .. Spend your energy continues to find the answer."

This quote by Denis Waitley. He is a motivational speaker whose mission is to destroy man by man on the ground and the desperation of people who are in the depths of advice. Specific citations to tell people not living in the past and the mistakes of the past. This quote offers a new message of hope, which is important in human life. People should not live in the past, but consider what we expect and what to look for the future. While in the process, people are more far the largest capacity and skills and find new purpose in life. Who knows, even a new spouse.

"Some of us think, keeps us more power, but sometimes it is letting go."

"Move" also means "let go". As Herman Hesse, writer and artist who conceived this idea, is required for the release, a stronger and stronger. Another important message of this quote is, if you look, love to continue. Only the situation with the desire for a relationship that does not work.

No matter who you are heartbroken, or the amount of time to heal, it will never be overcome without the support of family and friends. In fact, the best friend of man, whether family, friends and colleagues can certainly help in the healing process. But most important, is the Creator, the Savior and the Father who sees in the situation rather than any other. He is the only cure and relieve the heartbreaking conditions. As I said in His Word in the Book of Proverbs: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your mind present, in all your ways, for him, and he will do a good path." Finally, "thinking man's heart, but the Lord directs his steps." This shows that even with liver problems, the best thing is that God always apply.

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Expertise is just a habit

Posted by Andika Kulap | 10:03 PM | | 0 comments »

I have a story to you. Especially for those of you who are too admiring of expertise a person. Rest assured, you also can do as what the person you admire.

Once, in a kingdom that is so magnificent, the prince who shot him was famous for its expertise, demonstrated ability to shoot the target arrow. people gathered to witness the greatness of the prince. so proud and confident, the prince took a position 30 meters from the target. the prince shot an arrow into the target. momentarily dashed arrows right on target. so in awe of the people who witnessed the greatness of the prince cheered and gave thunderous applause to the prince.
feel less satisfied, the prince increasing the distance the arrow that was 30 meters to 40 meters. and the prince shot an arrow aiming for the target, momentarily dashed arrows and right on target. more festive cheer to applaud the people of the prince's greatness.

with the proud prince told all his people, "I am the champion arrows, no one can match me. I am the expert in archery. if anyone wants to play with me?" challenged the prince to all those who see the attraction at that time.
with feelings of fear, all the people just keep quiet.

"hahahaha,,, no one has dared to compete with me. I am the expert arrow" continued the prince when none dared voice that the prince took up the challenge.
"I" sounds a loud noise coming from the crowd of people.
the prince was surprised because all views are mapped onto the old man who was old grandfather who accept the challenge that the prince.

"hahahaha,,, what can you do with this arc hi old man?" asked the prince slightly underestimated.

The old man pulled out two bottles from her purse. which contains one full of oil, and the other bottle was empty bottle.

the grandfather and the oil spill from the bottle into the other empty bottles. without careful, with a relaxed his grandfather doing that, starting with a squat position, stand up to his grandfather, who in the oil spill right in the bottle filled only with no drop of that shot from the mouth of the bottle only.
until all the oil had been transferred to bottles only, no drop of that shot from the mouth of the bottle only.

the prince looked angry., "what do you do with oil and the bottles O old man? I'm not buying that you're selling oil".

the grandfather said, "Can prince doing the same thing with what I do?"
prince said, "really it was not for the proud"

then the grandfather smiled and said, "I do not compete for the prince's archery skills. I just show my skill. so that the prince and all the people who attend here do not know if there is a skill that needs to be proud of. expertise is derived from the habits of each person. prince used in archery, and I used to fill the oil in a bottle without being scattered. If only I used to shoot, then surely I will compete with the prince in the case of archery. so if the people here want clever archery, then make it a habit to do so . and if you want good at filling the oil in a bottle without being scattered, then make it a habit to do the same with what I do. and real expertise that only comes from our own habits. "

From the story above, we really have to realize that we all have the same potential. and if you want to be successful, then make it a habit to do things that will bring you into success. habits that you do over and over again will become your expertise. How lucky you are if you have the skills to live successfully.

ok, maybe it's that I can share this time.
hopefully useful, greetings to your success

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Change Me – How Do I Do It?

Posted by Andika Kulap | 8:17 AM | | 0 comments »

One of the greatest human desire is the desire for change and a shelf full of books try to tell us how to transform our lives, if we want. But like many modern pop psychology results are often far behind the theory. Why?
One thing that is often left out of the classroom training to recognize the reason why we are so in the first place. What many do not realize is that they behave as a very specific sound and profound reasons. In fact, most of the steps we take and the decisions that are fully automated and usually below our consciousness.

So, if you try to take action to me is the hand, was directly in the conflict between old and new exterior automatic behavior. Therefore, the strong attraction of the old ideas and behaviors can be very difficult to break. Whatever we think about our ability to change and adapt, the man is actually a creature of habit and habit something that forms after training. We are creatures of habit for a reason. How many times have we heard that children need to grow a sense of continuity and security and develop properly? As usual, knowledge is a tool that is really necessary for survival, and learn to form a habit in our mother's knee.

The problem arises when we change the old habits that no longer is useful for us to do. Therefore, when I try to change me, the face that had a very strong opposition of instinct. The desire for change, I have that as a result of my desire to have different life experiences and the need for the ideas and behavior that now come to recognize that not serve me well known in my release needs. If you take the example of addicts, people who are defenseless against the whims, he also acknowledged that people who enjoyed more success in the others who are sick and tired, sick and tired. In this state, their willingness to practice the new behavior will be stronger than the instinct to rely on old patterns. Will the sun is the key.

The will of the will. Will unconditional, the new behavior, regardless of the attractiveness of instinct in the old practice habits lead to personality changes such as thought and perception to catch up with the new measures. That is the foundation of knowledge, "the muscles moving and change the thinking. What is the action that they know is necessary to follow the first action and fresh thinking. As you continue to practice new ways of being, is not a step habit and early conflict has become, and to reduce resistance and die slowly. As we all know very well, tend to break our New Year's resolutions at the first hurdle. Most people can not to muster the effort to cope with its internal resistance to maintain. A resolution of a decision only if the measures taken, no matter how small actions that may at first sight. An intense attack is certainly not necessary. One assumption chance that the old ways of the past and the new behavior will be maintained under all conditions will actually win. In order to understand and develop the practice of new behaviors is the key to genuine change.

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Living Life By Choice

Posted by Andika Kulap | 9:24 PM | | 0 comments »

There are times when you did not do what I do in my shop and I wonder why they do this. I'm sure a good idea at the time! Working late into the night, there is no guaranteed monthly income refers to cash flow, BAS statements, my wife asked me if I leave the office and spend time with him - why am I doing this again?

So, now I remember. I'm not working a limit on the amount of money you can reach me with wonderful people, I have great flexibility in working hours in order to participate in family activities, which have a tax advantage, the business of mine and many other reasons drain well.

Basically I can do for my own business, because the benefits outweigh the costs. Indeed, the cost is not just financial. There was a time when concerns about the costs, opportunity costs, and many others to consider. These are costs that usually costs is not known if this is your first time - good if there are advantages of surprises too!

We do what we do with elections. It is important to know that we always have an option - ever! Well, some of you might think, "But I have no choice but to pay taxes -. I have to pay taxes" is a reality that does not have to pay taxes. I have a sure way not to pay taxes again. Are you ready? It is very simple. Do not make money! Taxes are the cost of success. Personally, I hope to have a massive tax-related issues.

So always have a choice. Well ... may not always enough. Sometimes when things happen that we have no choice, we can choose our attitude. You may want to have a solid sales and your business will be good, but not win a local business Achiever of the Year Award - if you have done everything possible, you can choose your attitude and approach in this situation. How can you learn from this situation?

So the reality is that you always have a choice. With every election comes costs.

In the above example, say you do not win Business of the Year. One cost is that local newspapers will run a profile of you, people can go to many hours of your time and want to know how they can be successful as you, perhaps, other companies start calling to sell your product or service because they are so successful. So there is a charge for this victory and the cost if they do not.

I always try to look at the cost of what I want. It is therefore very simple.

What I want, what price he was willing to pay and then pay the price and move on.

So it would be what you want and what price you pay? Now they do!

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Ever seen one of the automatic pitching machine - you know people, to throw the ball to the mass in a cage? Ever tried the things you get to hit hard and fast - by 30, 40 50 miles per hour or more? I've never had to be crazy and throw only one after the other which gives little time to think, much less use a bat?

Life is very similar to one of them - that comes hard and fast. We are with everything else, the bills, the dreaded disease, from a simple cause serious situation, the ordinary everyday things instead bombed in a lifetime event. Of course not impregnated with a blessing every day, even if we realize it or, sometimes hard ball moving faster than you can handle and still feel blessed.

Make no mistake about it - everyone, really everyone needs help at one time or another. No way around it, and there is no shame in that. We humans are not meant to be perfect - for how to do, drive repair, or what life throws at us. When it came time to slow down or even the officers throw a ball machine. These are the moments when the pitcher in over drive, the box is closed and has not had time to swing and make you feel like just sit and let the ball fall where they want.

This is when the bigger and better bats, helmets and bulletproof vests to the firm and instruction on how to hit the ball or at least stop and throws them out of the necessity of cage. There are many ways to get the kind of help today. First, seek professional help - 1.1 - talk about it, get advice, and leave you with someone who is trained to help with life issues seriously.

There are also books, cassettes, books and all kinds of helping hands on the Internet. Web sites abound and there are several high quality products out there. Feel free to review some of them - but be careful what you buy. Some of these people are highly qualified to write what they write, but there are a cheater. So check out their pedigree - its financial statements and other published works - make sure you do not buy a "pig in the stock market."

Whatever you do, do something! They feel bad about being depressed, down and out or just plain lazy is not the natural state of mind - that they are infallible signs that something is wrong somewhere in his life - and should not be ignored or overlooked as a phase. "" dig and find out what you really sick and try to help!

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